Sep 07

InSync Yoga and Spiritual Tour to India

ARE YOU READY TO DEVELOP YOUR YOGA, EXPAND YOUR AWARENESS AND AWAKEN TO LIFE’S RICH POSSIBILITIES? This tour is centred in one of the most beautiful parts of India, Kerala and goes for 13 days. Kieran and Nandini will be facilitating this uplifting and transformative experience. 13 DAYS FROM THE... read more →
Jul 16


Here is a little something to remind us of the benefits of a conscious gratitude practice. Science is discovering what so many wise people in various cultures throughout time have clearly understood: that the practice of gratitude is really good for you. It’s good for your body, mind and relationships.... read more →
Jul 16

The “Cosmic Restaurant”

Meditation like yoga is about connectedness. That is, moving from the experience of separateness where the ego is dominant through to connection where the higher self is dominant. In this state, we experience a greater connection with our body and everyone and everything around us. Whereas the ego's role is... read more →
Jul 16

The Guesthouse

If you haven't come across the poem "The Guesthouse" yet, it's definitely worth a read. It was written by the famous 13th century Persian poet, Rumi. Among many things, the poem teaches us to be ok with our feelings and just treat them like guests in our guesthouse. Rather than... read more →
Jul 13
Jul 13
Jul 13
May 17
Mar 13

Focusing on your Wellness

With the demands and busyness of everyday life, we can easily be distracted from focusing on our health and wellbeing. However, everything in our life, including our important relationships, depend on the condition of our mind and body. When you feel really good, you spontaneously share that energy with others... read more →
Jan 17


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