Anxiety First-Aid Relief Technique
Welcome to the Anxiety First-Aid Relief Technique.
This practice is very helpful to do if and any time you are feeling unsettled, anxious or agitated. In a short period of time, you will be learning how to quickly shift your state of body and mind.
First, listen to the audio “Important preliminarily information for the Anxiety First Aid practice.” Then sit comfortably where you won’t be disturbed, listen to the audio and do the practice.
Part 1
Preparation technique for First Aid practice
Before starting the practice, make sure that you are in a comfortable sitting position. You are about to learn a highly effective technique to give you immediate relief from anxiety or fear in any of its forms.
Part 2
Anxiety First Aid immediate relief practice
Again, before starting the practice, make sure that you are in a comfortable sitting position. Remember to ensure your back is comfortably upright. Also, check that your feet are in contact with support and your knees are aligned over your ankles. Shoulders should be relaxed and your chest open.