Recharge, empower and feel so alive
Join us for a FREE InSync 21 Day Challenge to make it happen! You have 3 options:
A 21 Day Mindfulness and Meditation Challenge
A 21 Day Yoga Challenge
Do both challenges at the same time
A 21 Day Mindfulness and Meditation Challenge
A 21 Day Yoga Challenge
Do both challenges at the same time
It is said that it takes 21 days to create a new habit. Let us help you create a new habit that will support you in living the life you really want.
By inviting you to join us on either one or both of our 21 Day Challenges. It is simple – clarify your intention (or resolution) and then link it to a regular yoga and/or mindfulness and meditation practice. Not only will you be enlivening what you really want, you will also be taking a huge step towards happiness and improved well-being.
If you value more support and inspiration for only $49 you can get the bonus of up to 5 sessions online live with Kieran who is one of Australia’s most experienced mindfulness, meditation and yoga teachers.
He will not only share vital wisdom but will answer all your questions related to mindfulness, meditation and yoga. This will support and inspire you on this journey.
These are the dates for the 50 minute paid support sessions at 7.30 pm. (Thursday 3, Tuesday 8, Thursday 10, Tuesday 15, Thursday 17)
It’s free to register for both Challenges.
All you need for the Yoga Challenge is one of the InSyncBML yoga class passes to participate.
You can use an existing pass or purchase one of our specially discounted Challenge passes (see more information below).
Register for either or both Challenges from Tuesday 22 February at 7.30 pm. You will then receive a link to our Challenge homepage
Clarify your resolution or intention if you would like to use one (it’s not essential for your participation)
See the 21 Day Challenge Class Timetable
Register for your preferred classes to reserve your spot on MindBody or through the InSyncBML website
Access bonus pre-recorded yoga classes and practices that you can access anytime you can’t get to a live class
Optional online session with Kieran on Monday 21 February at 7.30 pm so you can get help to clarify your resolution
All you will need is a device, an internet connection, a yoga mat, and a quiet space.
If you don’t already have an InSyncBML yoga class pass, you can purchase this amazingly discounted pass from Tuesday at 7.00 pm. This pass enables you to participate in up to 30 online classes and is valid until 22 March.
You will enliven your intention for what you really want
Take a big step towards living a happy, fulfilled life
Feel amazing in body and mind
Reap the rewards that a regular yoga and/or meditation practice brings
Experience a happier body and mind
A fun experience
Absolutely nothing! But the possibilities for rewards are outstanding.
Share your journey with the InSync Challenge Facebook Group by posting updates on your progress or sharing a photo of you taking action. This will inspire others to also take on the challenge! Invite your friends and family to join you.